Funded Partners
Explore all of the Partners helping to improve our community
Tropical Texas Behavioral Health
To sustain the successes realized through our implementation of mental health law enforcement teams trained to intervene with people in psychiatric crisis and divert them from incarceration.
Tropical Texas Behavioral Health
Military Veterans Peer Centers will provide mental health services and support to veterans and military families in the RGV.
Tropical Texas Behavioral Health
Sustain and enhance the successful implementation of integrated reverse colocation primary care with behavioral health outpatient clinics at all four facilities.
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Salud y Vida 3.0 provides IBH solutions to an evidence-based chronic care management program (Salud y Vida 20) which couples clinic-based services with community-based care for diabetics in the RGV.
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Catholic Charities Humanitarian Respite Center is partnering with UTRGV School of Medicine to provide medical care to refugee families that arrive at the US Southern border.
WomenTogether Foundation, Inc.
The Transitional Housing program offers victims of domestic violence 18 months of housing and case management.