Guidelines for


Learn about the requirements and guidelines for grant recipients.

Reporting and Accountability Requirements

At the Legacy Foundation, we are committed to ensuring transparency, accountability, and the effective use of grant funds. Grant recipients are expected to adhere to the following reporting guidelines to provide timely and comprehensive updates on the progress and impact of their projects:

  1. Grant Agreement
    • Grant agreements will be assigned as a follow-up form on Foundant. The agreement should be signed by the leader of the organization.
  2. Financial Reporting
    • Grantees must provide accurate and detailed financial reports demonstrating the use of grant funds. Financial reports should be submitted according to the schedule outlined in the grant agreement and include:
      • Project Budget-to-Actual document
      • Documentation of expenditures (e.g., receipts, invoices)
      • Budget Amendments  (Contact your grant lead)
  3. Outcome Evaluation
    • Grant recipients are expected to evaluatethe impact of their projects based on predefined outcome measures and indicators. Evaluation methods may include surveys, interviews, focus groups, or other appropriate means of data collection. Grantees should provide evidence-based insights into the effectiveness of their interventions and any lessons learned during implementation.
  4. Narrative Reporting
    • Grantees are encouraged to provide narrative reports that go beyond financial data to capture the qualitative aspects of their work. These reports should highlight success stories, challenges overcome, and unexpected outcomes, illustrating the broader impact of the project on beneficiaries and the community.
  5. Timeline and Deadlines
    • Reporting deadlines will be specified in the grant agreement or as communicated by VBLF staff. Failure to meet reporting deadlines may result in delays in future grant disbursements or other c as outlined in the grant agreement.
  6. Communication and Support
    • Grantees are encouraged to maintain open communication with VBLF staff throughout the grant period. If assistance or clarification is needed regarding reporting requirements, grantees should not hesitate to reach out to their designated grant lead.
  7. Non-Compliance and Consequences
    • Failure to adhere to reporting requirements may result in the suspension or termination of funding, as well as ineligibility for future grants from the Valley Baptist Legacy Foundation. Grantees are responsible for fulfilling all reporting obligations outlined in the grant agreement to maintain their standing with the foundation.

For additional guidance on reporting requirements or to request reporting templates, please contact you grant lead.

Use of the VBLF Logo

We invite you to incorporate our logo into your printed materials and website to showcase our support.

When utilizing the VBLF logo, we kindly request that you:

  1. Adhere to our visual identity guidelines outlined below.
  2. Ensure the logo is presented clearly and legibly.

Issuing a Press Release

We are excited about your organization's award and encourage you to spread the excitement within the community! If you're planning to send out a press release, we kindly request that you share it with us beforehand. Our goal is to ensure that when the Legacy Foundation is mentioned, it accurately represents both the Foundation and your grant.

Grantee FAQs

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